1. Controlled Products:

All firearms, ammunition and other controlled products regulated by local, State and Federal laws regarding purchase and shipment. All such laws are a part of this Policy.

  1. All buyers affirm they are a legal adult legally able to enter into legally binding policies of Eddie’s Gun Sales
  2. Eddie’s Gun Sales Policies are subject to change at anytime. It is not Eddie’s Gun Sales responsibility to notify visitors of this site or present and past buyers of products to the changes in the Policies.

1. Description:

Eddie’s Gun Sales sells to our customers various products for use in hunting, sporting events and for any legal reason.

    1. All products descriptions are provided by the manufacturer. We make ever effort to make sure descriptions are accurate. We will not be made liable for errors or misprints.

2. Pictures:

We will provide pictures when pictures are available as a representation of the product.  

3. Site:

This site has third party and proprietary information.  This includes all information and pictures appearing on this site.  Everything on this site is protected and may not be used without Eddie’s Gun Sales without our permission.

    1. Age of Visitors and Customers: This site is restricted to people who are 18 yeas old and older. In order to purchase weapons of any kind and ammunition customers must be 21 years of age or older.
    2. Products:  We reserve the right to control the amount of items that can be purchased at one time.

4. Content:

All the content of this site are owned or licensed by Eddie Worthington LLC, protected by copyright. All information and anything else appearing on this site is protected and cannot be copies or redistributed.   

5. Copyright:

If you are a copyright holder and/or agent and believe anything on this site infringes on you copyright you may contact us at  infor@EddiesGunSales.com.  You will provide us with the following information as stated in 17 U.S.C. 512 (c)(3)

    1. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed upon.
    2. Signed signature by a person authorized to act for the owner or the owner
    3. A mean upon with the agent or owner may be contacted by someone from Eddie Worthington LLC
    4. A statement by agent or owner, in good faith, the material under suspicion is not authorized

6. Privacy:

Your privacy is very important to us.  To better protect your rights, we have provided you with our Privacy Policy. To read our Privacy Policy, please use the link provided on Site’s home page.

7. Indemnification:

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us, and our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, parent companies, agents, co-branders or other partners, and employees (each a “Covered Party”), harmless, at your expense, against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, and suits and all related liabilities, damages, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and other dispute resolution expenses) incurred by any Covered Party or other third party and arising out of:

    1. Submitted false or misleading
    2. You violating any law regarding purchasing any product;
    3. Misuse of purchased products or of this site
    4. Any breach or the Policies of Eddie’s Gun Sales.
    5. Arising from your breach of this Agreement, Products & Legal Restrictions or Terms of Sale.


    1. All firearms sold as new are covered under by the manufacturer. All items covered under the manufacturer warranty must be handled by the manufacture.
    2. Items sold as “Used” or “As Is” may or not be sold with a warranty
    3. Firearms may not be returned
    4. Eddie Worthington LLC shall not be liable for any purchase from Eddie’s Gun Sale site or content from third parties.

9. Third-party Websites:

Eddie’s Gun Sales site may have third party links or advertisements from third party sites.  This site has no control or liability for third party sites or their use from being directed to a third party site from Eddie’s Gun Sales.

    1. Third Party website has there own policies which visitors are encouraged to read.  You are bound by all the policies of Eddie’s Gun Sales as well as policies of third party websites.

10. Miscellaneous:

If any part of a Policy is declared not enforceable or valid will not affect any other part of the policy.

11. Terms of Sale:

Any breach of the Terms of Sale is also a breach of our Terms and Conditions.

12. Disputes:

If you have a reasonable dispute we wish to provide a solution or decision as quickly as possible. Disputes must be submitted infor@EddiesGunSales.com.  We will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation.

13. Choice of Law and Forum:

All disputes will fall under the laws in the State of Florida and Palm Beach County. All disputes must be resolved using the following: by Eddie Worthington LLC, a court located in Palm Beach County Florida, a mediator located in Palm Beach County Florida, or arbitration in Palm Beach County Florida.  A purchase from Eddie’s Gun Sales is an agreement and contract to this policy. Eddie Worthington LLC sets the sum of $2,000.00 as liquidated damages for breach of this agreement above a reasonable attorney’s fee, court cost and Service of process fees.

    1. Improperly Filed Claims: All claims filed must be resolved as stated in Paragraph 14 of this policy. We may recover attorney’s fees and costs upon notifying of a breech of this policy.

15. Applicable Taxes:

Taxes will be collected on all products according to the tax rate where item is being shipped to.

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